Wednesday, October 17, 2007 |
The Yogurt Question Solved. |
I have such naggy students. Grrr.
Yes Xinyi(s), your cookies were nice. I only had a slight tummy ache after so all's well. Hahaha... But I now realise why so many teachers have health problems. Hahahaaha...
Talking about food. I like yogurt. Nice healthy dessert, especially the Marigold ones because they add inulin. Which is basially dietary fibre. For years I have bought the 'Non-Fat' ones, not because i'm some health freak like my brothers, but because... Because.
These are the Non-Fat ones.

I always found it really weird that Marigold would bother to produce a "Low-Fat" variety when they already have a Non-Fat one. The Low variety has a grand total of 1 gram of fat per serving. The Non variety, has well, 0 grams of fat. It's like studying for exams and aiming to get 74. That kinda thing.
Here're the Low-Fat ones.

I was happily doing some minor grocery getting last month, and of course i picked up my compulsory pack of yogurt. To my utmost horror, I bought the wrong one.
The Low Fat ones.
I was like OHH MY GOODNESS! The extra 1 gram of fat!!!!! (yeah right).
I didn't care and said what the heck (i'm not Obessive Compulsive like certain individuals I know). Gulped it down anyway.
Believe me, the 1 gram of fat is WORTH EVERY SINGLE bit of extra calorie, because it tasted HEAVENLY. Just a single gram of fat. But way way way way different.
posted by Ben Tan @ 9:22 PM  |
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