Monday, April 20, 2009 |
Summation |
Hmmm. It's been 3 months since I last blogged. It has not felt that long. I wonder who's in my audience though. Prolly some choir peeps, some kaypohs from my form class, english class, and everybody else who hates me. Ha. I thought I would say something for the record about the SYF GwH, but I've already said what I needed to say to those who needed to hear what I had to say. But I must say I still feel very light-hearted whenever I think about the achievements of the choir, and when I say acheivement, I do not just mean the GwH. Hence, I must say for the record, that I'm once again, entirely bowled over by the dedication and passion of the choir seniors and commitee, and to those individuals who put in their 100% and more. Once again. You guys absolutely deserved the applause.  
posted by Ben Tan @ 6:02 PM  |
Friday, January 23, 2009 |
Go go go. |
posted by Ben Tan @ 8:15 AM  |
Thursday, January 22, 2009 |
English is... |
Part 1. English IS LIFE. Without language, there is no meaning. Without meaning, there is no life. English touches the soul of man. When used effectively, it stirs our emotions, it brings us to anger, to tears, to acts of heroism, to placed unvisited. It brings sight to the blind, and allows the deaf to hear. What will I do without English. Part 2. My English class rocks. 2H is total pwnage. Who wouldn't like teaching a class that is exuberant and fun? I get great help from people in 2H - before lessons begin my laptop is always nicely set up by the AV crew, my English Representative is resonpsible and diligent, and the Class Representatives are enthusiastic and dedicated. I think it'll be a good year. So... what is ENGLISH to you? "English is..." 
posted by Ben Tan @ 8:21 AM  |
Monday, January 5, 2009 |
Where are thou? My Holidays... |
So. The Hols have come and gone. And with it 2008 and being in the twenties, and ahem.. singlehood. Sharon and I had a really good time in the US. Eating, shopping, sight-seeing, playing family games with Bern and Melissa, seeing Troy and Oli again, missing a flight, shivering, sledging, skiing, chopping a Christmas tree, sleeping and eating. Yes eating.   
And I was for the first time exposed to certain interesting practices such as: 
Being really clumsy sledging Making Snow Angels

It looks cool but it's DAMN cold 
American Obesity is not a product of over-production but entirely because of size of servings. But I will really miss my brother and sister-in-law. It is really not the same not being in the same country. I guess some things run deeper than we imagine. 

posted by Ben Tan @ 11:09 AM  |
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 |
Farewell |
I thought the farewell party was a good one. Think the seniors enjoyed themselves and the games were ehhh... quite fun. Of course there could have been more time for saying goodbye and stuff but I guess emo stuff should be left privately. I think I will miss the choir seniors dearly. Mainly because I've seen them through secondary one to four. And for some very strange reason, I have taught some of them every year. Thank you Elissa, Jem, Van and Pam for the cards. They were really touching. I will try to find a better opportunity to say goodbye properly. I think farewells are dfficult to encapsulate because of the varied, complex, and at times contradictory emotions it generates. Such as being glad that people have 'come of age' and moving on to greater opportunities, and yet being sad that there is a parting. I guess the words of Tolkien best captures this contradiction. For "their hearts, wounded with sweet words, over-flowed, and their joy was like swords, and they passed in thought out to regions where pain and delight flow together and tears are the very wine of blessedness." And to the Sec three especially Cornelius: Well done! A lot of independence and self-reliance doing up this party. Note: Blogspot re-sizes the photos so you faces look wonderfully pixelated. Will pass the originals to Shijia. 

posted by Ben Tan @ 10:33 AM  |
Thursday, September 11, 2008 |
Wow! It's been months! |
Vanessa is VERY naggy.
Well it's been a really long time since I've been here - I must say it's nice to know people still tag here and there though. And no... don't expect any 'shoutbacks' because that would be a conversation and I would rather be really speaking to you instead (or at least over msn).
Okay first things first - teacher's day/my birthday.
Was really surprised by some of the celebrations and gifts! I know I don't show it during the event itself but I was surprised by most of them.
Thank you 3L for the notes in the jar - I know it's your way of making me as blind as someone - but I really appreciate the notes and all! Plus the cake of course!
Choir seniors - cake cake cake and blue soft drink! Thank you SO MUCH! How did you guys know I was running out of eau de toilet? I hope you didn't spend too much on it. There is actually a rule in MOE that we have to declare to the Minister himself if we receive gifts above a certain value. But I guess this was just a blue coloured soft drink right?
Choir senior seniors - MORE cake! Thank you so much Melissa, Samantha, Yee Kei, Johannes, Chermaine, Deb (did i miss anyone?) for rushing down! Appreciate the little visit.
4A - I seriously LOVE the lump of crap you gave me. It is a very nice and soft piece of turd. I will hold it to sleep everynight hence forth. hahahaha...
4J & H - Thanks for EVEN MORE CAKE! It was kinda weird both of you were doing the same thing in the same place at the same time. Maybe you should just be a single class of 80. Good hunting for the Os!
There were also little gifts here and there - thank you and i'm sorry if I couldn't thank YOU enough on that day!
Okay now that I'm done patting myself on the back about how well received and celebrated I am as a teacher, I have to go back to setting YOUR exam papers. I will make sure they are tough and difficult.
posted by Ben Tan @ 8:41 AM  |
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 |
There and Back Again |
Okay. We're Back.
It's been quite a roller-coaster ride of expectations, emotions, and experiences. The sights, the sounds, the sun, the cold, the closed-door huddled chats with Farah and Terrence. The angst, the hidden fears, the dashed ambitions, the shared disappointments, the elation, the joy, the affirmations.
In a sense this trip is a microcosm of the teaching profession - the parallels are astounding. How do we draw the balance between education and achievement? How do we stay true to what we do without the schemes and the guiles.
Where are all the real musicians?
And on top of all this in my little mind, was this continual call to be a parent to some kids and to be a close friend to others.
I didn't want to too close to the sec 4s either because I know I will miss them too much. I'm sorry Vanessa. But you have to do this once in 16 years, I experience this every year when you people graduate.
So I build some barriers, and keep some emotional sanity.
This was YOUR competition, YOUR gwh, YOUR Gold99, your friends to keep. Your bridges to continually build. For me it will be a memory, only interjected by visiting seniors and their warm, changing, smiles.
Well the rambling ought to stop here. Some pictures I suppose.

posted by Ben Tan @ 2:46 PM  |
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