Hmmm. It's been 3 months since I last blogged. It has not felt that long. I wonder who's in my audience though. Prolly some choir peeps, some kaypohs from my form class, english class, and everybody else who hates me. Ha. I thought I would say something for the record about the SYF GwH, but I've already said what I needed to say to those who needed to hear what I had to say. But I must say I still feel very light-hearted whenever I think about the achievements of the choir, and when I say acheivement, I do not just mean the GwH. Hence, I must say for the record, that I'm once again, entirely bowled over by the dedication and passion of the choir seniors and commitee, and to those individuals who put in their 100% and more. Once again. You guys absolutely deserved the applause.  