Thursday, August 30, 2007
Birthday Musings
Want to say a big Thank You to everyone who remembered my birthday.

I'm not really a big birthday person - always preferred the quiet corner when it comes to festive occasions. But still, tuesday was special to me.

Thanks for all the smses, my phone kept going off especially in the morning. Had some problems driving to school with the incessant buzzing in pants. Hah...
Jiemin, Cynthiako (thanks for waking me up at 1230am!!!),
Chermaine Loo, Cheryl, Daughter, Marcus, Yee Kei, Pam, Aloysius, Chun Leck, Shawn the scout, Kewei, Ben, Jeremy, Johannes,
Deb, Chee Wee, Bern, Kelvin Loo, Weiyang, Jiehui, Frederick (gasp!)
and last but definitely not least Zhenhong.

I think it's some sort of a record. Not counting but seriously thanks.

I really appreciate the massive amounts of cake i received from the
Choir Seniors, 06/07 Comm, 3G, and the GREAT people from Humanities Dept.

And thank you 4K for
throwing me up in the air to the tune of happy birthday, and NOT pillaring or ponding me instead. Really appreciate that! hahahaha...

Yay. I'm 28.

One year closer to retirement!

posted by Ben Tan @ 9:29 PM   0 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Impossible Quiz
Try this at your own risk.

If you've an examination coming soon and need to keep your sanity. DO NOT ATTEMPT. 

posted by Ben Tan @ 9:01 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
1. Love at First Sight
My heart pounding through my shirt, my hands clammy. Beads of nervous perspiration drizzling down my forehead. My knees would have would buckled if not for that fact I was seated down. This was the closest I had ever been to her.

Oh! She was my everything. She was the air that I breathed, she was everywhere I went, she was always on my mind, she was all I knew. She was all the love ballads in glorious living form, the never ending crescendo, the never ceasing melody. She was the reason music was created.

I was barely inches away from her now. Sheer determination seemed to be pushing my chair closer towards her. I inhaled and I went dizzy just knowing that she was just there. My mind went into a flurry of things unsaid, of things I wanted to say, of words unspoken. I had to tell her the truth. I had to tell her what I felt about her.

I was five.
posted by Ben Tan @ 10:24 AM   0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Gaming gaming gaming
Context: School has come to agreement with Parents Support Group to ban ALL use of computers (at home and in school) for any gaming purpose. A new software called HateFun recognises gaming software in any computer and deletes them once activated. HateFun is parent password protected. And encrypted.

Good Morning Principal and fellow Teachers,

I am sure you are well aware of the recent spate of reports on various cases of 'gaming addiction' amongst our students (TScore >245). I have heard, from various teachers, the myraid of opinions on this issue, and it is with utmost trepidation that I share mine with you. This trepidation comes from the fact that I was an addicted gamer myself with I was a teenager.

Yes. Even teachers are human. Can we dare say that we teachers have, in the past (or even at present), never ever frolicked in the pastures of frivolous activities? Whiled away the precious time of our youth with adolescent pursuits? Or invested our energies in tasks of lesser nobility?

What more our students (TScore >245).

I believe that the majority of our students (TScore >245) are NOT computer addicts. They are, like we were, struggling between the pressures of the perceived mundanity of school work and the siren call of the visually stunning Halo 3. This perception of work being dull is the very issue that we, as teachers, must address.

I am not suggesting that we make school work all fun and games. Neither am I saying that examination content be brushed aside for superficial but engaging lessons. What I would like to suggest is - to make our lessons relevant. Gaming is relevant to our students' lives because it is the antithesis of boring and dull WORK. If work ceases to be so, then the impetuous for gaming may actually cease.

No. This is not to say that I condone the actions of students such as YongQiarng of 3D, who spends 8 hours a day in front of the computer, and as a result is a complete detriment to the school and his class. Computer gaming addiction in its extreme can be severely damaging. It is my firm believe that the recent drastic measures that curtails all gaming for our students is an overeaction. I think it will be much more prudent for us to manage the few true addicts we have through counselling and guidance.

Thank you.
posted by Ben Tan @ 2:36 PM   0 comments
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