Tuesday, May 22, 2007
3G - Nice company
Just stumbled back from the Johore Learning Journey thingee. Other than learning that kids nowadays are such whinners and that certain people are seriously good sleepers, I have realised that 3G is really nice company!

Spent most of the time on the road - started with getting a sermon/discussion about why manchester united is the best team in the universe from Chi Koong. She's the Senior Guru of Love ManU temple. She just went on for hours lar, but her knowledge of EPL is seriously astounding? After some furtive poking around at the organic farm which mostly grew dragon fruits, and hearing all that 'it's so hot, there are so many flies, the soil smells weird (DUH!)' moaning from my dearest form class, we had lunch in an aircon room. 'PHEW!'.

Our bluff game got disrupted because we were called to move to the oil palm place. Which I found seriously interesting? Of course everyone was fidgety with the billion flies that were buzzing around all their clean and scrubbed flesh. The trip home was talk talk talk time, and that's what we did. I think I did alot of talking but all the while I had this throbbing headache cos I was travelling backwards while talking to serene and grace and denise and yan tze and kelly and the guru. Then i realised like 9 out of 10 of the girls in 3G wear braces.

Is it some fashion statement?

A lot of laughter and exposing my dark secrets like the possible gulf of the salary between the P's and mine. Other things besides why slyvester is a terrific name for a hot guy. Why losers cannot be choosers. And why Rocky is not Pocky?

Between all that headache and talk. We took pictures and here's a few... (sorry for the pixelation.. too tired to do direct img src yada yada)

posted by Ben Tan @ 9:06 PM  
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