Sunday, October 28, 2007 |
My Adidas has been Stolen |
Goodbye dear Adidas.
I will miss You.
I will miss Your gentle squeaks.
The comfort You provided my sometimes aching feet.
Your three white stripes.
The fact that You were brilliantly new and refreshing.
May You fail Your new owner's foot.
May He (She) slip and fall.
And Curse the day He proferred You off my shoe rack.
May He have foot sores and Hongkong feet from wearing You.
And may He lose $84 worth of something from a thief just like Him.
Adieu dear Adidas.
posted by Ben Tan @ 11:07 PM  |
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 |
The Yogurt Question Solved. |
I have such naggy students. Grrr.
Yes Xinyi(s), your cookies were nice. I only had a slight tummy ache after so all's well. Hahaha... But I now realise why so many teachers have health problems. Hahahaaha...
Talking about food. I like yogurt. Nice healthy dessert, especially the Marigold ones because they add inulin. Which is basially dietary fibre. For years I have bought the 'Non-Fat' ones, not because i'm some health freak like my brothers, but because... Because.
These are the Non-Fat ones.

I always found it really weird that Marigold would bother to produce a "Low-Fat" variety when they already have a Non-Fat one. The Low variety has a grand total of 1 gram of fat per serving. The Non variety, has well, 0 grams of fat. It's like studying for exams and aiming to get 74. That kinda thing.
Here're the Low-Fat ones.

I was happily doing some minor grocery getting last month, and of course i picked up my compulsory pack of yogurt. To my utmost horror, I bought the wrong one.
The Low Fat ones.
I was like OHH MY GOODNESS! The extra 1 gram of fat!!!!! (yeah right).
I didn't care and said what the heck (i'm not Obessive Compulsive like certain individuals I know). Gulped it down anyway.
Believe me, the 1 gram of fat is WORTH EVERY SINGLE bit of extra calorie, because it tasted HEAVENLY. Just a single gram of fat. But way way way way different.
posted by Ben Tan @ 9:22 PM  |
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